
Green onion Cornbread Patty

Cornbread is something we learn to cook early! We devote one of our small cast iron skillets to just making cornbread. It is a big deal in an Eastern Kentucky home. 

Since, I had to change to Gluten-free my cornbread is slightly different. Still good, but not the traditional. 

Everything in this recipes is interchangeable- as in- you can replace the gluten-free flour with all-purpose flour of your choice. The maseca meal can be replaced with yellow or white cornmeal. (regular flour and normal cornmeal with make a hella good batter!)

These patty are fried by swimming in oil. I don't fry with deep pools of oil. Some spray oil and medium to low preheated griddle or skillet is enough to cook these beauties! 

Oil, egg, green onion, maseca, gluten-free flour, milk, baking powder, and salt. This is the combination for one of the tasty and addictive breads from my region! 

Place all the dry ingredients together and fold in together.

Add all the wet ingredients and mix it all together.  

The batter with be thicker because it is gluten-free. If you make it the regular way, it won't be as thick but it should be near it.

Fold in the green onions.

Preheat a skillet and spray with oil on medium to low heat. Spoon out some of the batter and take wet spoon and press the dough out to a patty. These won't spread so you will need to help it out. Same with normal dough, too. 

Fry to a golden brown! 

These are prefect with beans, chicken, tuna or a ham spread or salad. I like them with a bit of butter and that's it! 

Green Onion Cornbread Patty

1/2 cup flour of your choice

1/2 cup of maseca or cornmeal of your choice

2 tsp baking powder

1/2 cup of milk

2 tbsp of oil

1/4 tsp of salt 

1 egg

2 to 3 green onions chopped



  1. Mix together all the dry ingredients. 
  2. Add all the wet ingredients.
  3. Mix it up into a dough. 
  4. fold in the green onions. 
  5. Preheat a pan over medium to low heat. 
  6. Spray with oil. 
  7. Spoon out the dough and using a wet spoon, spread out the dough because it would spread without some help. 
  8. Fry until golden brown on both sides. 
  9. This makes 5 patties. 

*The can be gluten- free if using gluten-free baking goods. 

*WW blue plan points- 5 point per patty by my calculator. Be sure to double check using your calculator!